Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Intro to my blog

            Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Noah and I hope to educate you on the topic of retro video games from the years 1985 to 1999. Over the last decade the popularity of retro video games has spiked due to several popular YouTube channels. I want to give people who are interested in retro video games but don’t know how to start, a blog where they can find all the information needed to begin a proper retro video game collection.
            I plan on doing reviews. These reviews will make up the majority of my blog. They will explain whether a game is worth purchasing or not and what price you should pay for it. I also plan on posting about, handheld games, the prices for retro video games, bizarre games, old ads for games, and unlicensed games.
            I was 5 years old when my sister handed me a Nes and asked me if I wanted to play Super Mario Brothers. I was shocked about how simple the graphics were but still how much I enjoyed playing this game. I have loved Retro video games for nearly 10 years now and I wish to share this wonderful hobby with as many people I can.

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