Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pro Wrestling Review and Personal Experiences.


  We all know classic fighting games Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat for Super Nintendo. But have you ever heard of Pro Wrestling? It is a more obscure fighting/wrestling game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It may be simpler than the fighting games for the Super Nintendo, but that doesn't mean it’s any less fun. In Pro Wrestling you choose one of six different fighters and battle it out. My personal favorite character is star man. I thought his outfit was much more 
unique than any of the other fighters. The gameplay itself is pretty self-explanatory. You punch or kick someone until they fall over. Once they fall over get on top of the them and if the number reaches 3 then its game over. Like I said before simple but fun. The game control is very good. The only thing that is kind of annoying is that to hit someone you have to be directly in front of them. This can be very tedious.You can watch some gameplay here. The average price for it is around five dollars loose, twenty five dollars in box, and seventy five dollars sealed. Back in 1988 Pro Wrestling was the number one video game in the U.S. for about two months. It also won best sports game in 1988 by Nintendo because of its "realistic graphics." Its funny to look back on what was considered realistic back when the NES was the hottest gaming console. I picked my copy of Pro Wrestling up at Digital Press Videogames about 4 years ago. The first person I ever played it with was my cousin. We played a few practice rounds to learn the controls and soon we were masters. This game is one of my favorites and you should pick it up if you can find it at a good price.    

Image 1 courtesy of  Image 2 courtesy of

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