Monday, January 19, 2015

Eartbound review and personal experience.

          Earthbound is one of the greatest cult classic Super Nintendo games of all time. It’s an rpg that really stands out from the rest. Instead of having dragons and swords Earthbound puts you in a modern setting. You get baseball bats instead of swords and fight criminals/creatures instead of monsters. The combat is simple but can be complicated if you really get into the game. You have four main options: attack, psi, items, and run. Attack is your basic fighting attacks like using your baseball bat, psi are your psychic abilities, Items are the things in your inventory to assist you in battle, and finally running is when you try and escape combat. When this game came out it came in a huge box. In the box it had the strategy guide. Including the strategy guide was a very interesting idea and it was never done before and hasn't been done since. I really don’t want to spoil the story but all I will say is its excellent. The characters are amazing and you really feel a connection to them because of the modern setting. The places feel real and the people feel real. Because of how expensive this game is i have never been able to pick it up. On average it sells for around 200 dollars loose and over 1000 dollars in box. I had to play it through a ROM. I got the ROM about three years ago. Luckily Nintendo has released the game on the e-shop for ten dollars. If you want to pick it up that’s how I recommend you do. This game is one of the most under appreciated games on the Super Nintendo.
Picture Courtesy of

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