Thursday, February 5, 2015

Shovel Knight Review and Personal Experience.

        This week I am going to talk about possibly one of the greatest games in the last 10 years: Shovel Knight from Yacht club games. This game is perfect. Everything about it has been done correctly. The controls are amazingly responsive, the graphics look just like the ones on the Super Nintendo, and the story while simple is very good. The game play is very reminiscent of duck tales and the early mega man games. The game came out for the Wii u, PC, 3ds, and will soon arrive on PlayStation systems. You can watch some game play here. In the game you are on a journey to rescue shield Knight who was sealed inside a tower by an evil enchantress. You must go through eight challenging levels and defeat the member of the order of no quarter. The order of no quarter is a group of eight knights that sided with the enchantress. Some of these knights used to be friends with shovel knight giving the game some good dramatic scenes. The game play is challenging but fair. Every time you die it’s your fault. You can’t blame it on the controls or the level design because they are perfect. I picked this game up last year on my 3ds. I bought it and I couldn't stop playing. It was one of the most addicting games I have ever played. I was never bored but occasionally I was very frustrated. I still play the game to this day and with a lot of free downloadable content coming soon I a really excited to see what yacht club games does with shovel knight next. This is one of my personal favorite games of all time.


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