Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Gameboy Micro review

 Possibly the strangest members of the Nintendo handheld family is the Gameboy micro. It launched in 2005 and is basically a smaller Gameboy Advanced without any backwards compatibility. 
I love the thing to death. The small size may be an inconvenience for some but not for me. I always found the Gameboy systems were not very portable especially the original advanced. The micro fixes this problem with its size. The LCD screen is beautiful. It is a big step up from the Advanced. The colors are vibrant and it is made of actual glass not plastic. However this system does have a fair bit wrong with it. Probably the biggest problem with the micro is the face plates. The micro had interchangeable face plates. Finding a face plate that has no scratches is nigh impossible. Good custom ones can go for as much as 40 dollars. Another huge problem is the price. When it came out nobody purchased it. This led to several retailers selling for as low as five dollars since nobody had one it became an extremely desired collector’s item. These days the micros can go anywhere from fifty to one hundred dollars. I got mine on amazon for thirty dollars in 2010. I only recommend picking up the micro if you’re a hardcore Nintendo fan because of how expensive buying everything for it can get. It is one of the strangest yet greatest portable gaming systems of all time.
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